Marriage is an experience that elevates life into another level of enrichemnt. one's life might therefore become more fulfilled and complete. An option, not an obligation!
A Ghost that haunts me from getting to the future~~~
為什麼? 你總是在最不該出現的時候出現呢? 每當我期待著對未來的可能性時,你總是會在這時候出現來使我想起我那不堪的過去! 我為什麼要讓曾重重傷害我的人,來過問我的生活? 這不是太諷刺了嗎? 我只想把這過去拋的遠遠的,想著我可能的未來.期待著~~ 我未來的另一半會好好的疼惜我, 愛我~~~ How could I get to the future when the past is haunting me at the present?
1 則留言:
Hafa Adai Ginger! What happened to the poem that you posted? I'm sorry I haven't responded to your email yet, I will soon though!